Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - week 8 results


Well the tribes merged, giving some more life to Marty.  NaOnka tries to get away with stealing food and lying about it but gets caught and has to admit her guilt and pretty much her insanity too.  After Jane and Fabio win immunity (what an impressive performance by Jane!) Marty and Alina go on the chopping block.  Although Marty spouts out too much strategy at Tribal Council and makes himself a huge target, Sash's promise to him last week to save him this week keeps Marty alive and Alina gets voted out and becomes the first member of the Jury.  I give the episode a 6 out of 10.

In the pool, 16 entries had Alina, the 23-year-old art student.  Both ends of the pool are still up for grabs.  DW jumped up 12 spots while Janessa and Emily dropped 9.

The preview for next week shows NaOnka doing even more crazy stuff, that even puts Jeff Probst in disbelief.  I can't wait till she's gone, personally.


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