Thursday, September 24, 2009

Results - week 2

Results - week 2

I can't believe it... a couple of firsts in Survivor history tonight:  Ben got kicked out of the tribal immunity challenge because he was too aggressive after everyone was warned; and evil Russell (Hantz) found the immunity idol in a tree without a single clue, AND he was able to stuff it in his underwear with 4 people around him.  Does he deserve the immunity idol?  You may think not, but it does show how much he knows about this game.

Also, this may be the first time a tribe had to still go to tribal council even after having losing a member due to doctor's orders.  Mike's blood pressure was way too low (I think it was probably from the exhaustion from the energy spent in the challenge, and the hard hits he took probably didn't help too much) so he was forced out of the game by the Survivor doctor; then Betsy was voted off because of her age and some of evil Russell's coaxing.  The yellow tribe now has 3 people less than the purple one.

So two contestants were removed from the game this week, and the pool has only 12 at the top remaining unscathed from the beginning.  Six entries had both of the contestants and felt the pain.

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