Thursday, November 18, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - week 10 results

 "Chase is sucking up to Brenda like he wants to get into her pants or something" - Jane

Best line in the show.  It was a great episode last night.  I give it a... 9 out of 10 - pretty high, I know, but I can't remember a recent great episode to compare it to.  FINALLY people are waking up and realizing who the powerhouses are and now the peons are starting to play the game (except for purple Kelly who is still a bystander).  The immunity challenge had some originality to it, and Jane proved once again that pound-for-pound she is still the strongest contestant left in the game.  Getting back to strategy - it was quite satisfying to see Brenda, who was becoming more and more unbearably egotistical in her interviews, and who thought scrambling was more or less "beneath" her, get voted out by almost everyone, including Chase and Sash who are trying to save their butts for next tribal council.  Good move by NaOnka for once.

In the pool, 21 entries had Brenda, including Shawna in the top spot; no one has a stranglehold on first place nor last place anymore.  Bob's entry jumped the highest (5 spots) and Janessa fell the hardest (5 spots).

After watching the preview for next week, I'm very curious as to what NaOnka does (again) to piss everyone off.  She is definitely unbelievable.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - week 9 results

This episode gets a 5 out of 10 from me.  Nothing really exciting happens.  I thought breaking through bamboo barriers and brick walls in the reward challenge was pretty cool, though it was a pretty lopsided win for the boys.  NaOnka continues to disgust everyone.  Jane thinks Marty is vile and evil, but he's nothing compared to Russel from the last two seasons!  Anyhow, Marty came close to winning immunity but failed, and was voted out after Sash and Brenda decided not to keep Jane instead of him.  Any contestant left thinking they can break the alliance of Brenda, Chase, Sash, Kelly purple and NaOnka is stupid.  They no longer have the numbers to do so and should have done it after their alliance was made clear in episode 2.

In the pool, 26 people had Marty, the 48-year-old technology executive.  Shawna remains at the top with the only entry with 7 picks left.  Last place is up for grabs.  The highest jump was 8 spots (Elaine) and the biggest drop was 9 (Cheryl).

I doubt there will be any surprise left in the remaining episodes as to who's voted off next.  I hope the show proves me wrong.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - week 8 results


Well the tribes merged, giving some more life to Marty.  NaOnka tries to get away with stealing food and lying about it but gets caught and has to admit her guilt and pretty much her insanity too.  After Jane and Fabio win immunity (what an impressive performance by Jane!) Marty and Alina go on the chopping block.  Although Marty spouts out too much strategy at Tribal Council and makes himself a huge target, Sash's promise to him last week to save him this week keeps Marty alive and Alina gets voted out and becomes the first member of the Jury.  I give the episode a 6 out of 10.

In the pool, 16 entries had Alina, the 23-year-old art student.  Both ends of the pool are still up for grabs.  DW jumped up 12 spots while Janessa and Emily dropped 9.

The preview for next week shows NaOnka doing even more crazy stuff, that even puts Jeff Probst in disbelief.  I can't wait till she's gone, personally.
