Friday, March 16, 2018

Survivor 36 Ghost Island - week 3 results

Decent episode!  Unfortunately, the ending was the result of last week’s tribe swap that was probably too early.  But it was a good fight by the underdogs nonetheless.  Here’s how the pool points were awarded:
  •  Dom receives the legacy advantage willed to him by the ghost of Morgan.  5 points for him.
  • The new Naviti tribe wins the reward challenge.  2 points each for Angela, Chris, Dom, Donathan, James, Laurel, Libby, and Wendel.
  •  Then the same tribe wins the immunity challenge. 3 points for each of them.
  • At tribal council, Michael plays his idol, but incorrectly for Stephanie.  The original Naviti tribe of Bradley, Chelsea, Desiree, Kellyn and Sebastian vote out Brendan and they get 2 points each for sticking together and getting the job done.
  • 5 points each for everyone that survived this tribal council which excludes Brendan.
  • Domenick earns the most points with 15, thanks to the legacy advantage given to him.

In the pool, Brendan was picked the most (83 entries), and:
  • Only 5 entries remain with all 9 picks
  • 3 entries are tied for 1st.
  • Colleen L ties BillyJo for last place.
  • Mary S jumped 33 spots into 6th, and MSGM jumped up 21 spots to 10th.
  • Eric fell 15 spots from 1st to 16th.

Next week:  Jenna flirts with Sebastian, Donathan starts to like Chris, Desiree becomes a human torpedo.

My episode observations:
  • Kellyn really did make the right call on Ghost Island by not gambling with her vote!
  • What the heck?  When Michael first announced he was going to play the idol for both him and Brendan, and then Bradley made a disappointed face, he still played it for Stephanie?  We must have missed what he saw.  I did like his lie though.  He stretched the idol as far as he could take it, and it made sense.
  • I think Domenick made a mistake by telling Laurel about his idol so fast.  She could have been acting that she was on his side  But she seems genuine, so we’ll see if that backfires on him or not.  She could tell Donathan and then Donathan could tell Chris next week.
  • This was the first time Ghost Island didn’t save someone from Tribal Council.  If it had continued to work as it had been, and Kellyn was taken away from tribal council, it would have made the episode a whole lot more interesting with 4 vs 4.  Sucks for Brendan.
  • What a perfectly executed give-and-go play by Chris and Wendel at the reward challenge.  I can appreciate that.  Laurel was a beast in that challenge also.
  • What a comeback from Naviti in the immunity challenge!  Jeff said it himself – never give up!

Till next week!



  1. I was very impressed by Michael's poise and confidence in his delivery of lying about the power of the idol for only 18. Most 18-year-olds would have stuttered or looked suspicious.

  2. Also, it appears Bradley will be the "villain" of the this season. He is the best candidate at this point, slightly in front of Chris in my mind.
