Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 9 results

Did I see a bit of Russell in Rob tonight in the way he's controlling his tribe?  I liked it.  Actually, I shouldn't be surprised - Rob controlled his tribe or alliance the same way in his last two seasons in the game, and sometimes we forget the villain that he was.  Anyway, there were two tribal councils tonight (it was like two episodes combined) - I guess the show didn't want to prolong the inevitable demise of Russel's old tribe.  Mike was voted off in the first tribal council, David was voted off in the second, and they join Matt on Redemption Island.  MAN, Ralph cannot spell - did he spell Phillip "Philite"?  Russell is probably enjoying the show immensely at home, seeing his former tribe lose a member every week since they threw a challenge to vote him off.

In the pool, things got shaken up quite a bit.  Brad and Devin grabbed the top two spots, and Rachel, the only other entry with 6 picks left, jumped 8 spots to hopefully challenge them in the future.  DW still has last place locked down at the bottom.  Only 6 entries didn't have either Mike or David.

I wonder what's gonna happen next week at Redemption Island.  We don't have a clue.  It'd be neat if more than 2 people came back from the Island into the game.


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