Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 11 results

Another double-knockout!  But it was pretty predictable until the very end:  Philip goes a little nuts again when he finds his shorts; Julie got eliminated from the game on Redemption Island; Grant wins immunity and reward which he shares with Rob and Andrea; and Steve tries to persuade the girls to blindside Rob while they still have a chance, but like the mindless sheep of last season they chose to stick to their alliance which will doom them in the end.  Ralph gets voted out first (he actually spelled someone's name right - Rob - on his ballot for once), and then they have a surprise immunity memory challenge right afterwards which Rob wins, so Steve gets voted out.  All of Russell Hantz's old tribe got voted out after they threw an immunity challenge to get rid of him.  His revenge is pretty much complete (unless one of them comes back from Redemption Island and wins the game).

In the pool, 8 entries had both Ralph and Russel, including Kristie at the bottom who normally would have sealed last place prize but Redemption Island might change that.  Devin remains at the top and is one of four entries that have 5 of the last 6 contestants left on the show.  Again, Redemption Island could switch things up pretty good, even at the top.  It doesn't look like anyone will be reinserted from RI into the game next week, but most likely the week after that.

Quote of the night: "YOU CAN'T STAND THE TRUTH!!" -- Phillip (NOT Jack Nicholson)

Have a great week everyone,

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 10 results

Another boring episode in my opinion.  David (the "puzzle master") got eliminated from the game in a Redemption Island 3-way challenge and became the 1st jury member.  The show, including Probst at Tribal Council, tried to flesh out a racial conflict that really had no meat and was just a weak assumption on Philip's part.  It's sad the show has come to that.  I can't say Redemption Island is a failure yet, but where are the reward challenges where the winner has to choose 2 people to bring, or the immunity challenges where they pick each other off by smashing objects that belong to each contestant?  Those are the events that really shook things up and made the show unpredictable.  These last 3 tribal councils really had no surprise in them.  The survivor of Redemption Island will change nothing unless making it to the final three - and even then, does he/she really deserve to win the whole thing?

Julie from Russell's old tribe got voted out and 16 pool entries had her.  Devin is now the solely in first place but there are many entries with 5 picks left waiting to take that from him.  DW still barely owns last place.  Gisele's #2 entry fell 6 spots but her #1 entry jumped 7.

In the next episode, we get to see Matt whine more, which I'm getting tired of.  I'm also finding Philip less and less entertaining.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 9 results

Did I see a bit of Russell in Rob tonight in the way he's controlling his tribe?  I liked it.  Actually, I shouldn't be surprised - Rob controlled his tribe or alliance the same way in his last two seasons in the game, and sometimes we forget the villain that he was.  Anyway, there were two tribal councils tonight (it was like two episodes combined) - I guess the show didn't want to prolong the inevitable demise of Russel's old tribe.  Mike was voted off in the first tribal council, David was voted off in the second, and they join Matt on Redemption Island.  MAN, Ralph cannot spell - did he spell Phillip "Philite"?  Russell is probably enjoying the show immensely at home, seeing his former tribe lose a member every week since they threw a challenge to vote him off.

In the pool, things got shaken up quite a bit.  Brad and Devin grabbed the top two spots, and Rachel, the only other entry with 6 picks left, jumped 8 spots to hopefully challenge them in the future.  DW still has last place locked down at the bottom.  Only 6 entries didn't have either Mike or David.

I wonder what's gonna happen next week at Redemption Island.  We don't have a clue.  It'd be neat if more than 2 people came back from the Island into the game.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 8 results

Fool Me Once...

So Matt beats Sarita at the Redemption Island duel, gets reinserted into the game, becomes part of the merge, gets tempted by Mike to switch sides with a great offer of final three, but instead decides to trust backstabber Rob and therefore gets his stupid ass voted out by his old tribe again.  Back to Redemption Island he goes.

In the pool, every entry that had Matt got him back but lost him again, so the number of picks left for all entries didn't change.  However, remaining contestants still earn points because they "survived" another tribal council.  This resulted is some small ranking changes.  Shiyan is barely keeping first place at the top and DW claimed last place for now.

Matt has a chance to get back in the game if he keeps winning challenges, but I personally am not rooting for him anymore.  He doesn't deserve a third chance in my opinion (even though he is one of my picks!).
