Thursday, March 31, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 7 results

So Stephanie got beat by Matt on Redemption Island at a game of Memory.  She's history.  Rob's tribe won the immunity/reward challenge and it was pretty ingenious of him finding the hidden immunity idol clue right away and really funny when he threw the clue into the volcano!!  Russell's old tribe (notice how I don't use their weird and hard-to-remember tribe names) decided to keep their tribe strong by keeping David over Sarita.

In the pool, 16 entries had Sarita, but not Shiyan, who now claimed sole top spot.  There's still a lot of game left and anything can happen.

Next week, the survivor of the Redemption Island duel will rejoin the game, and there will be a merge as well!  Should be a good episode.


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