Thursday, March 31, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 7 results

So Stephanie got beat by Matt on Redemption Island at a game of Memory.  She's history.  Rob's tribe won the immunity/reward challenge and it was pretty ingenious of him finding the hidden immunity idol clue right away and really funny when he threw the clue into the volcano!!  Russell's old tribe (notice how I don't use their weird and hard-to-remember tribe names) decided to keep their tribe strong by keeping David over Sarita.

In the pool, 16 entries had Sarita, but not Shiyan, who now claimed sole top spot.  There's still a lot of game left and anything can happen.

Next week, the survivor of the Redemption Island duel will rejoin the game, and there will be a merge as well!  Should be a good episode.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 6 results

Well Matt continues his winning streak on Redemption Island by eliminating Krista.  Meanwhile, Stephanie tries to convince her tribe to vote off Sarita instead, but when they lost the immunity challenge big time, the tribe chose  Sarita's trustworthiness over "Stifinie's" physical ability.  Not much else happened worth noting.

In the pool, 14 entries had Stephanie, including the top two, so no one has a perfect entry anymore.  Kristie still has a hold on last place but more have come down to give her a run.  Gisele's #2 entry jumped 6 spots, while John dropped 10.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 5 results

Well, Phillip seemed to display a little more intelligence and restraint.  Matt won his third Redemption Island duel in a row.  After Rob's team won the immunity/reward challenge, it was pretty wily and cunning for him to swap the new immunity clue that he and Grant found with the vague, first one that Rob found earlier.  After Russell's old tribe lost the challenge, it was no surprise that either Krista or Stephanie was gonna go.

Only 17 entries in the pool had Krista.  There are two entries remaining at the top with all picks intact, and Kristie has claimed last place all to herself, for now.

Looks like Phillip is gonna raise some hell next week.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 4 results

Russell's Survivor run has finally come to an end.  Matt beat him on Redemption Island, and as most of you saw, he was anticipating lasting much longer.  Rob cunningly created an opportunity to keep his tribe busy while he raced around like crazy to find an immunity idol.  After Rob's tribe lost another immunity challenge (another challenge where I think having Matt would have helped; speaking of the challenge, I'm tired of seeing challenges where the same people can do multiple tasks; every member should have to participate) Philip became annoying again but not annoying enough to save Kristina from being voted out.  It was only a matter of time for her.

In the pool, 20 out of 45 entries had Kristina.  Only 3 are left perfect at the top now, and 3 remain tied for last place.

In next week's preview, we see Philip acting nuts as usual and also perhaps some conflict starting in Russell's old tribe.  A little appeal has been lost now that Russell's gone.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 3 results

So Russell's tribe threw the immunity challenge just for an opportunity to vote his scheming ass out.  Russell's pawn Stephanie couldn't convince Julie to join their alliance, so Russell was actually voted out for the first time in his three seasons.  Now Russell is going to have to duel Matt on Redemption Island to stay in the game.  I can't believe Matt made that huge comeback against Francesca in their elimination duel!  Francesca is now gone and won't be able to re-enter the game.

In the pool, just under half of the entries (22) have Russell.  Now only 6 entries remain perfect, and 3 entries have a perfect losing streak at the bottom.

Can't wait to see what Russell does next episode to get Matt off his game on Redemption Island.  Even though I don't have him in my entry, I think I might want Russell to be the one to survive Redemption Island to get re-inserted in the game.  All hell will break loose then.
