Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - week 2 results

Huge blindside tonight.  Philip wasn't as much of a nut this episode, and Kristina cautiously but needlessly played her immunity idol, but it was Matt who was too much of a nice guy and too friendly with Andrea that got voted out.  On the other tribe, Ralph stumbles upon the other immunity idol and confronts Russell who lies about stealing a clue for it for himself.

So about half of the entries in the pool had Matt.  That leaves 15 entries that still have all their picks, and 6 entries at the bottom that have a perfect losing streak so far.

Next episode, it looks like Andrea is out to avenge Matt... but really - how much can she do by herself?  We should see Matt and Francesca duel it out on Redemption Island.


1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!! Here's to another perfect losing streak!! Go team!!
