Saturday, October 30, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - week 7 results

This episode was relatively pretty boring.  I'll give it a 6 out of 10; the only thing saving it was the suspense at the end.  With the La Flor tribe losing immunity, Marty could have been thinking too far ahead when he gave up his immunity idol to Sash on Sash's word that he would vote out Jill instead.  Either way, the idol was going to leave Marty's hands and Jill probably voted out.  Luckily, Sash kept his word and Jill was voted out instead of Marty.  I felt Jill was a strong competitor in every way and deserved to stay longer, but this game is too unpredictable.

In the pool, 32 entries had Jill (the highest for a female), the 43-year-old ER doctor.  Shawna remains at the number one spot having lost only one pick so far.  Tara P's #2 entry remains in last but now 5 other entries have 3 picks left.  Muriel jumped up 15 spots while Sharlene and I dropped 12 spots.

Thanks for your patience everyone.  For those who haven't seen our Facebook post, we had a baby boy on Thursday at 2:03 pm and named him Tavian Alexandre.  I put a couple of phone camera pics on my microblog here.

He laid on my lap and watched me type this blog before throwing up.  Here we go again for a second time.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - week 6

Double elimination

Both tribes went to tribal council tonight.  Jill won individual immunity for La Flor and Holly for Espada.  Here are my thoughts:

La Flor
I don't understand how Fabio and Kelly B can align themselves with the alliance of Brenda, Purple Kelly and Sash.  Can't they see that when the tribes merge, NaOnka and Chase will rejoin their friends and those two will be outcast again?  Also, I know Marty is a bit arrogant (we all kind of knew that from the start), but Brenda's own arrogance in that show was starting to bug me.  Marty should have executed his unrevealed tide-turning plan with Fabio, because he was almost voted out and almost paid for trusting Sash.  I can't believe Marty didn't play his immunity idol - either he's extremely smart or extremely lucky.  Anyway, Kelly B paid for her stupidity and she was voted out.  The dynamics of this tribe saved the episode and earned an 8 out of 10 for entertainment from me - I can't wait for next week, because now Marty knows Brenda's running the show over there.

Just like the other tribe, I can't believe Benry and Alina are aligning themselves with NaOnka and Chase, who I'm sure will turn on them as soon as the tribes merge and they're back with their friends.  Anyway, Dan and Yves were on the chopping block and Yves got voted out because the young'uns do not perceive Dan as a threat later on, and Yves put the nail in her coffin by revealing her "intimate" knowledge of the older ones on La Flor, thinking it was a reason to keep her around, but everyone else interpreted it as "good relations" and a potential threat.  She should have chosen her words better.

In the pool, Shawna retained her #1 spot and Tara #2 kept her last place spot.  11 entries had both Kelly B and Yves - including Brad's entry, which fell 17 spots.  Denise, who is one of the 14 entries that have neither, jumped up 17 spots.

Next week, we'll see Fabio be more of a goofball and Sash try to convince Marty to give him his immunity idol... HIGHLY doubt that will work.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - week 5 results

"Mind your neighbour"

Not a bad episode tonight - I'll give it a 7 out of 10 for entertainment, based on all previous seasons.  The tribes were mixed up and we got to see how the old and the young interact with each other.  The relaxed, worry-free nature of the young'uns was like oil to the older people's strict, scheduled water.  The immunity challenge finally had an original element to it - 3 people strapped to a rotating wheel getting their heads dunked in water and having to spit out water into a funnel on the topside.  The new Espada tribe lost and NaOnka almost threw herself into the fire by almost wanting to quit.  But the tribe's annoyance with Tyrone's authoritative role and eating too much chicken swung almost all their votes to him.

34 pool entries had Tyrone (second-highest), the 42-year-old fire captain.  Five of the entries that didn't have him jumped up 9 spots; Shawna now claims the sole #1 spot; and Tara P's #2 entry retains her perfect losing streak of 5 picks lost in 5 episodes.

In next week's preview, there's supposedly a new twist to the game.  I'm still waiting for a challenge that involves swimming - I want to see how well Holly, the swimming coach, can swim, as well as the others.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - week 4 results

Tonight's episode featured the "crazies" even more so than the previous episodes.  NaOnka went off on Kelly B. for no reason; it's unfortunate that she found the immunity idol.  Jimmy T kept spouting rants about wanting to be the one calling the shots, although he wouldn't have changed anything about the immunity challenge - which the older tribe lost.  Marty helped rile him up at Tribal Council which worked and may have swung Tyrone to vote for Jimmy too.

So Jimmy T, the 48-year-old fisherman (who was awful using the fishing net), was voted off.  28 entries had him, including Tara P's #2 entry at the bottom which has a perfect losing record so far.  Two are left at the top with perfect winning records so far also.

In next week's preview, NaOnka starts losing it, which makes me happy.  Also, a tribe switch-up will shake things up and give Kelly B and Alina on the younger tribe some hope, but will ruin Marty's laid groundwork.  It'll be a good episode!
