Friday, April 30, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 11

Mutiny all over again...

Sorry about the late results!  I totally forgot to do them last night... probably because I'm not in the running for any prize, ha!

Anyway, I thought the little scrum that Danielle and Amanda had at the reward museum was pretty childish.  Danielle was stupid in two ways: first in being obvious she hid something under the bed, and then second for not picking up the clue right away when Amanda came over to check things out.  Amanda should have read it first before giving back to her!  Ha!

It was kind of funny how Danielle didn't even suspect that Russell found the idol before her, the way he took off so quickly when they were looking for it together.  I was very frustrated with Candice, pulling another "mutiny" like she did in her first season and changing sides.  I guess I'm just anxious for the episode when Russell goes because it will be a good one.  At least the show will sat suspenseful for another little while.

So Amanda was voted out, and 32 pool entries had her - including the top 4 entries.  Nothing much happened at the top, and not too much at the bottom.  Jacquie jumped up 6 spots to #10, and a couple entries fell 5 spots.

Next episode, it looks like Russell starts threatening even his own alliance, and should be good to watch.
Have a great weekend!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 10

Fool me once...

As we expected, another good episode.  Russell fooled JT to the point where it was hilarious to see how much faith JT had in him with his comments.  Parvati is even smarter than we thought, reading Amanda like a book (although Amanda's a lousy liar) and figuring the Heroes would vote for someone else.  I thought Parvati was only going to play one immunity idol and save Sandra, but she was ingenious to give one to Jerri too.  I don't recall anyone ever giving another contestant their (real) immunity idol, and even if it has happened once before, it has already happened 3 times in this series!  The look of disbelief and doom on the Heroes faces was well-deserved when Jerri was given an idol.

So JT, after all his long hours of thought and letter-writing to give Russell an immunity idol, was voted out by the villainous group of the merged tribe.  He was the third most popular contestant in the pool - 36 entries had him, not including Rachel, who now controls top spot.  Her and Rachelle (not twin sisters) still have 8 picks left out of the 9 remaining.  Tara K's #2 entry also had JT and tightens her hold on last place.  The highest jump up the rankings was Janessa from 15 to 11, and Mary dropped 5 spots to 39th.

Can't wait till next episode where Sandra takes over and tears things up like she did in the season that she won.  Enjoy the weather this weekend,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 9

Straight to the best line in Survivor history: "I don't have to find immunity idols anymore... people are just giving them to me."  - Russel Hantz

You have to admit, when he said that... you had to laugh and respect the guy for what he has accomplished.  He has the advantage that no one else has seen him play before, and I'm glad, because he's keeping the show very entertaining and keeping the series fresh even on its 20th season.  I'm a little surprised he was quick to show his new idol to his tribe, but I think he had to share his disbelief and craziness of the situation.

I thought the producers became smarter by placing the clue to the Villains immunity idol somewhere where one person had a chance to find it without revealing it to everyone.  I was also very grateful that Danielle was able to help Parvati hide the clue from everyone else, haha.  Now the Villains have two immunity idols, and the Heroes have none.

So Courtney was voted off, and I think that was a huge mistake by the Villains, because from the preview of next week the tribes will merge and Sandra will be quick to flip sides and tell all the heroes all about Russell.  We'll see what Russell does about that.

In the pool, 14 entries had Courtney (tied for second-least picked).  Clint and Rachel remain at the top, and Tara K.#2 is getting some competition from Amanda H. for last spot.  The biggest climb is me (7 spots - which doesn't help my quest for last place at all), and the biggest fall is Gisele (8 spots - lost a pick every week for the last 4 weeks).

Till next week,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 8

Path to Self-destruction

Everyone knew it... the Villains are hurting since voting out Boston Rob, losing both the reward and immunity challenge.  But it was crazy going into the tribal council.  I actually thought Danielle had pulled off a blindside to vote off Russell, but instead it turns out she and Parvati went against Russell's last second decision to vote off Courtney by instead voting for Coach.  And this was after she tried to convince Russell to vote off Courtney earlier?  It was very confusing after seeing who voted for who, and I hope it all gets cleared up next week.  The preview for next week had everyone saying "ohh noooo" I bet.

So 13 entries had Coach, the "dragon-slayer".  Clint and Rachel still have a small hold on the top spot, but Tara K's #2 entry has dropped to take a hold on last place for a while.  Many entries jumped up 4 spots, but Shanny fell the hardest, hurtling down 8 spots.

As always, have a great weekend everyone,

Friday, April 2, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 7

Clash of the Titans

What a momentous episode.  The Villains tribe - made up of 3 mini tribes - had us in suspense as the two leaders butted heads for the final time after losing miserably in the immunity challenge.  Coach broke his word with both Rob and Russell by instead voting for Courtney who has been holding them back at challenges, so it turned out to be Jerri's vote for Rob (after Russell and his alliance worked her over) that was the deciding vote to send him packing.  I hoped this didn't have to happen so early so we could watch them keep battling it out for more episodes, and the tribe definitely made themselves weaker by this vote (I think they will lose every challenge from here on), but it was a great episode all the same.  Russell has turned out to be the greatest villain in the history of Survivor afterall.

In the pool, 36 entries had Rob (3rd highest behind Russell and Colby), including the top two entries, opening up the competition up there.  The family foursome entry still holds onto last place, but some entries have come down to play.  The highest jump up the ladder this week is Nikki from 37 to 26, and the biggest fall is Shanny from 29 to 39.

Have a great long weekend everyone - eat lots of chocolate.  Haha!
