Thursday, March 11, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 5

Anyone else getting really sick of always-teary-eyed Amanda? ...grow up already, this is the third time you've been on the show.  Anyways, big James sprains his knee in the reward challenge, hobbles around, and he's still a big jerk.  Coach inflates Russell's ego even bigger by kneeling before him to be "knighted" by his "king".  Heroes lose a puzzle challenge for immunity again!  Where's Yau-Man when you need him?  Or Yul?  Yul was a smart guy too.

So Heroes go to tribal council for the fourth time out of five, and they idiotically vote out Tom over the hobbled James.  I hope they all regret it and lose every challenge from here on.  I don't know who to root for anymore... maybe Danielle over on the Villains.  She's annoying me the least right now.

26 pool entries had Tom, leaving 6 at the top unscathed, and the family foursome entry at the bottom claiming last place by themselves... for now.

Have a great weekend everyone,


  1. Amanda's hot. leave her alone. you know what's more important? Tone is in 1st place. better recognize!!

  2. i don't understand how we're always at the bottom?! ah well, at least we're doing better than jay ;)
