Thursday, March 25, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 6

No bananas for you!  Last night there was a forced tribal council for both tribes.  For the Heroes, James was voted off which was very surprising because it looked like Colby was going - the producers played that nicely.  But before that the Villains had to do their tribal council, and Rob and his 5 other allies thought they had it made going in, having a plan to split their votes between Parvati and Russell, forcing one of them to leave.  But Russell - I don't know how this guy does it - manages to convince Tyson to change his vote to Parvati also, and then gave her his hidden immunity idol.  Russell, Parvati, and Danielle's votes for Tyson were enough to send him packing.  Even though I respect Boston Rob greatly, it was hilarious to see the perplexity on his face after the vote.

The double tribal council had huge effects on the pool.  Clint and Rachel are the only ones left tied for number one, while the 14 entries that had both James and Tyson fell deep.  The family foursome entry still remains solely in last place.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 5

Anyone else getting really sick of always-teary-eyed Amanda? ...grow up already, this is the third time you've been on the show.  Anyways, big James sprains his knee in the reward challenge, hobbles around, and he's still a big jerk.  Coach inflates Russell's ego even bigger by kneeling before him to be "knighted" by his "king".  Heroes lose a puzzle challenge for immunity again!  Where's Yau-Man when you need him?  Or Yul?  Yul was a smart guy too.

So Heroes go to tribal council for the fourth time out of five, and they idiotically vote out Tom over the hobbled James.  I hope they all regret it and lose every challenge from here on.  I don't know who to root for anymore... maybe Danielle over on the Villains.  She's annoying me the least right now.

26 pool entries had Tom, leaving 6 at the top unscathed, and the family foursome entry at the bottom claiming last place by themselves... for now.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Friday, March 5, 2010

Survivor 20 results - week 4

Tonight episode introduced the hidden immunity idols to the tribes.  Tom found the one at the Heroes camp but was seen with it; Russell was stupid enough to go looking for the one at the Villains camp even though they had condemned anyone looking for it.  Can't wait to see how next episode plays out.  Oh yeah, Coach totally broke down after Sandra's little comment on how he doesn't help out at camp as much as he thinks he does, and then Rob tells him to man-up.  I found it funny when Rob questioned Coach as a coach.

Anyways, Tom gets JT to vote his way (which I think was wise on JT's part in the long-run) and the always dangerous Cirie got voted off the Heroes tribe.  In the pool, 27 entries had her, leaving 8 entries unscathed at the top and still a 2-way tie for last at the bottom.  Lots of episodes left, and anything can happen.

Have a great weekend everyone,