Monday, December 21, 2009

Results - FINAL

I'm not going to go on and on about the season finale, other than it was sad to see Brett (who I thought would win it from the start) not win the final immunity challenge and therefore get voted out.  However, I was glad that Russell H did not win it all, although he was a good villain to watch in the show.

So in the pool, there were three tribal councils, and every entry that had Natalie, the sole survivor, got double the points at the end.  Note:  I didn't award enough points last week per survivor remaining in all the entries (only 65 compared to 70) so I made that fix before calculating the final results.  I included the results per tribal council in the final episode on the right side shaded in gray.  Here are the prize winners:

  • First place:  Michelle, $330
  • Second place:  Tone, $130
  • Third place:  DW, $100
  • Fourth place:  Bob, $70
  • Last place:  Sheena, $30
Sheena stole last place from Louie when neither of his last two picks were voted out at the first tribal council.  DW won third place by picking contestant names out of a hat, while I know Tone spends some time analyzing his picks and Bob to a lesser degree.  Since season 10 when I started keeping real stats, Tone has won a total of $352 in my pool and Bob has won $194.  Michelle and Sheena, I need your mailing addresses!

I hope everyone had a good time either watching the show or watching the weekly pool standings.  Season 20 starts in February (past heroes vs. past villains), and I invite everyone to come back and bring more people with them (I can calculate results pretty fast now, no matter how many entries).  Thanks everyone for another fun season and have a great holiday!!


P.S. Any feedback on the pool or whatever is appreciated!  Post your comments below and include your name!

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