Thursday, November 5, 2009

Results - week 8

Tonight's episode was pretty good!  The tribes's merged into one - 4 from Foa Foa, 8 from Galu.  Evil Russell put everything in motion to vote off Laura, but she won immunity, so then Erik was blindsided - a result of his over-cockiness, scheming, and telling the rest of them "how it's going to be".  He joins the long list of survivors who got voted off before they could play their immunity idol.  The episode was suspenseful till near the very end.  And evil Russell was as cocky and offensive as ever (in his interviews).

Erik was the second most popular pick in the pool - 45 entries had him.  So the minority of entries that didn't have him jumped up relatively high in rankings.  Michelle is still the top dog to beat, having 8 picks remaining out of 11 left on the show.

In the preview for next episode, it looks like evil Russell might be in trouble because everyone's onto him.  Have a great weekend everyone,

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