Welcome back to the pool everyone, and a fresh welcome to the several new participants. Did anyone else have trouble watching the show? Our setting to record it at the normal time didn't work (my fault), then both later time-shift shows (standard def and hi-def) had audio problems. We use Shaw, and it's not the first time our cable had problems during either the first our final episode of a Survivor season. Had to eventually download it.
Anyway, the tribes were indeed split into older and younger, and the younger tribe wisely chose flint and fishing gear instead of a medallion that gives advantages at challenges. I say this because the last time tribes were split by age, the younger tribe had no idea how to survive at camp with no help at all. The older tribe decided not to use the medallion at the immunity challenge - they "wanted to make a statement" - but ended up losing the challenge mostly at the puzzle stage. I agree with Brenda's statement: "they should be thinking about now, not tomorrow. You shouldn't be taking chances."
Personally, I don't like the idea of the medallion. But I suppose it's a way to try to keep one tribe from winning too many challenges in a row. So maybe it's alright. We'll see.
At Tribal Council, Coach Jimmy J. and Wendy were on the chopping block and Wendy made it even more easy for the tribe to vote her off by making a long-winded last second plea before the voting. I was rolling my eyes along with all her tribe-mates.
23 entries in the pool had Wendy. And I'll say this like I do after every first episode of a season: even if you lose a pick right away, you can still make it to the top at the end. That's how my pool works, so don't get upset yet.
There are 48 entries in this season's pool. A little bit less than last season, but the prizes are still pretty good:
1st - $240
2nd - $95
3rd - $70
4th - $50
Last - $25
If you have any comments you'd like to add, please post them below! If you don't have an account and have to post anonymously, make sure to add your name so we know who said it! Talk to you next week everyone,